Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jovy systems

Jovy Systems 7500


On the PS TV (VitaTV) you will have to use OpenCMA or QCMA in addition to the PS Vita Update Blocker. Since the PS TV (VitaTV) can only transfer files via Wifi, and this would perform a firmware check (which then blocks the data transfer).

running TN-V OFW 3.18 on your PS VITA

If you have a PS Vita and had a PSP before, then you might be wondering why some of the PSP games you have are simply not available on the PSN Vita store. In fact, there are tons of Vita owners out there that would like to play those games on their Vitas and fully take advantage of what this great console has to offer.

This is exactly why so many Vita users out there look into the hacking scene, since it allows you to turn your PS Vita into a really open, versatile gaming machine. If you are interested in hacking your PS Vita and are new to all of this, then check out this entry beforehand for everything you need to know about hacking your PS Vita.

In this tutorial in particular, we’ll take you through the process of hacking your PS Vita to make it run a PSP emulator running custom firmware, which in turn will allow you to play PSP ISOs (Game Backups). This is only the first step into really opening up your PS Vita, since there is much, much more that we will cover in further entries.

Here are the list things you need.

  • A PS Vita running OFW (official firmware) 3.18 or lower
  • OpenCMA – an app for transferring data between your computer and your PS Vita without requiring an internet connection (available for both Mac and Windows)
  • For this tutorial we will use the latest exploit game for OFW 3.18 in the U.S. Gladiator Begins ($7.99). You need to have bought this PSP game on your account and have it installed on your PS Vita.  Here is a list with all the exploit games so far and their required OFW to run the hack.
  • Exploit SAVE files for your region (links: U.S. , Europe)
  • PSP update file (direct link)

Exploit Games

Exploit games are revealed to the public by the hacking scene. Once this occurs, Vita users have a sort of ‘window’ to buy the game and install it on their Vitas before Sony takes the game down from the store. This window is usually about 48 hours. In this case though, more than a week has passed and the game is still up on the store. So Vita users are even now able to get them.

But even if you miss this chance, keep an eye on the topic for the next few months, and the moment another exploit game is revealed, the following instructions will apply exactly.


There are three (3) files that you have to download from the description above. Make sure to download them and place them in a separate folder for organizational purposes.
Let’s start with the exploit files for your region. In the case of users with U.S. accounts, it should look something like the screens below. Make sure you unzip the file to access its contents.

Once you unzip the file, you will see that it contains a folder (named something like ‘ULUS10528SAVE00′) with seven files inside. Leave that folder open for now and proceed to the next step.

Now the PSP update file. When you download it, it comes with the name ‘EBOOT.PBP’
What you need to do is rename it, changing the ‘EBOOT’ part to ‘660’ just as shown in the image below. In the end, the file should be named ‘660.PBP’ (everything in caps).

Important Note: Make sure your computer displays file extensions. Otherwise you won’t be able to see the ‘PBP’ part, which also needs to be written in caps.

Now move this renamed file into the folder you left open previously. It should now have eight (8) files in total as shown below.

With that done, open the qCMA app you downloaded just a few minutes ago. This app works just like the official CMA app from Sony, except that qCMA lets you transfer files and backups between your PS Vita and your computer without performing any checks or verifications with Sony’s servers through the internet. It’s a very convenient app to have and I personally prefer it to Sony’s offering. The setup and pairing of the app with your PS Vita is very simple and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes. This app not only lets you backup files, but also shows you the paths to them in your computer.

Lesson Time: In order to hack your PS Vita, you will need to ‘seed’ a new SAVE data file into it. This is the file you downloaded (the hack itself) and added the ‘660.PBP’ file to. This new SAVE file needs a game to be launched of course, which in this case is Gladiator Begins.

See how everything starts to make sense now?

Now in your computer, you have to head to where qCMA stores all the SAVE files for PSP games. The path to that folder should look something like the screenshot below.

The folder containing all of them should be named with a bunch of numbers and letters.

Cool Tip: To easily find out where the PSP SAVE files are located on your computer, first, backup a SAVE from any PSP game to your computer using qCMA. Then open qCMA and open the Backup Manager window from the menu bar. On that window select PSP Savedatas and then click the Open Folder button.

Once the folder opens, head back one level and you’ll see all the SAVE files from PSP games there.

With that folder open, copy the exploit folder you just modified (perhaps named ‘ULUS10528SAVE00′ and containing now 8 items including 660.PBP) into it.

In the end, that exploit folder should be along with all other PSP saves just as shown in the screenshots below. Close the folder and also close qCMA (in case you still have it open).

This is the last step that will take place on your computer. Now go grab your PS Vita.

On Your PS Vita
Before you start, plug your PS Vita into your computer using its USB cable. You can also do this via Wi-Fi, but using a cable is faster and more secure, so I prefer that option for this process. Once you plug in your Vita, open qCMA on your computer.

Step 7: Now on your PS Vita open Content Manager. On the next screen, under Copy Content, select PC > PS Vita System.

On the next screen now select the save data for Gladiator Begins then tap the Copy button to copy the SAVE file to your PS Vita.

Once it starts, select LOAD GAME and load the save file.

On the following screen, press and hold the ‘R’ button on your Vita (this is required only this first time and it is VERY important. Make sure you don’t release the ‘R’ button until we tell you).

Then, from the available options choose Item Box (while still pressing the ‘R’ button) and the exploit will trigger.

The screen on your PS Vita will flash green and then you will be taken to the exploit Recovery Menu as shown below. It is now safe to release the ‘R’ button.

 There, select Advanced and then on the following screen select Install 6.60 files.

After the installation is done, exit the Recovery Menu and the PSP emulator will be ready for you to set up and start using.

Congratulations. You now have a fully unlocked PSP working on your PS Vita!!

And that’s about it for this tutorial, make sure to browse the rest of the site for more tutorials on how to use your hacked PS Vita, including entries on how to install and run games and other emulators on it. As we mentioned before, this is just the first step into opening up your PS Vita to a lot more, which we will cover in further entries.

Transfering download games from PSN using your PS3

Lists of things you need.
  • A PS3 console FAT/Slim/Superslim as long as you have the latest OFW of SONY currently running on 4.7
  • 2 PS3 controller, 2 HDMI cables 
  • PS Vita TV with lower firmware 2.x below
Lets do it!
  • In your PS3 XMB choose PSN and open Transaction Management
  • Download the games on your list.
  • After downloading it dont touch the game leave it in the bubble.
  • Now go to your PS Vita TV, disable wifi. Then power off your console.
  • Wait for 1 minute and turn it on again.
  • On your PC/laptop open the CMA and plug your PS Vita USB cable.
  • At the XMB open the content manager and choosed copy content.
  • Once you do that unplug the cable from the PC and leave the other end connected to Vita. If you seen a pop error, ignore it and proceed.
  • Now plug your vita to the PS3 and connect  to PS3 via USB cable.
  • Now copy the games from your PS3 to vita and your done.

Monday, April 13, 2015

user/password management

tested on a Kali Linux machine. 
root@kali:~# uname -a Linux kali 3.18.0-kali3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.18.6-1~kali2 (2015-03-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux 
root@mmp:~# passwd -e sofi passwd: password expiry information changed. root@mmp:~# passwd -S sofi 
sofi P 01/01/1970 0 99999 7 -1                                                                                                                                     

adding GROUP.

root@mmp:~# groupadd 26mag
root@mmp:~# grep 26mag /etc/group

adding users to GROUP.

root@mmp:~# id akira
uid=1000(akira) gid=1000(akira) groups=1000(akira),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),112(lpadmin),113(sambashare)
root@mmp:~# usermod -g 26mag akira
root@mmp:~# id akira
uid=1000(akira) gid=1002(26mag) groups=1002(26mag),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),112(lpadmin),113(sambashare)


Looking for the moon in a lonely autumn sky , mountain castle lights.

logging in passwordless

Logging in without a password in any linux/unix machine can speedup your tasks as a Unix system administrator. Its very useful if you have multiple linux/unix machines, I have two guest OS running FreeBSD and Kali Linux on VMware, my physical OS is Windows 7 x64.

FreeBSD :    userid: sofi ( target/remote machine ) 
Kali Linux:   client

  • login to kali linux box, cd .ssh ( take note of the DOT ) and do ls -l and you will see only 1 file called known_hosts.
  • -rw-r--r-- 1 akira akira 222 Mar 31 14:30 known_hosts
  • Now we run ssh-keygen this will generate two files id_rsa and id_rsa.pub
  • The id_rsa.pub is what we after
  • view the content of this file.
  • akira@mmp:~/.ssh$  catid_rsa.pub sshrsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQw5T26curDHgSIqbbfot2LVxWAj9WzYUcViC56xTCvGP+mkZUUJMAL8LAcRa8U/75EcAfwvGB2bzxoethRimqtTWbJKzxVZ85F56Spv02pDrErwVEdnLBYMe+Md+YIvLnnUEzTNZUs839w690m9AKDjr8f1hEBSWiKEiJpzBgiil7Hjqvo1Isvah6In8MWEH0VE9xImpx0Au8zyH87PLpGmPeIcf9CeJ/peO6CJRCajl+3udaqZhFQfSFBCeb3kF7093bsMoS135rI2mT1Ko5CgMrBcalG7JCK2aZZdWHRxjdRm0OAZFHkSKpJbHZc6yy7EP5EMUtPxWEDjpgIupx akira@mmp
  • this is the keys that we need to put on the target machine which is a FreeBSD box with IP address of   .
  • ssh to the target machine  and create a hidden file .ssh under sofi's home directory                            akira@mmp:~/.ssh$ ssh sofi@ mkdir -p .ssh           
  • cat   id_rsa.pub and redirect the output in the target machine.                                                        
    cat id_rsa.pub | ssh sofi@ 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
  • verify the file on the .ssh directory on the remote/target host which is in this example is a FreeBSD box, once confirmed you can now ssh to the box without a password.        
  • akira@mmp:~/.ssh$ ssh sofi@                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
